The Story of Major Keren Kidmi

Major Keren Kidmi, Deputy Commander of Communication in the Home Front Command, spent Friday afternoon at a birthday party for her mother-in-law, together with husband, Aviad, and their children, Gaya (4) and Adar (3). Suddenly, on the way back to their home in Moshav Nevetim in Israel’s Negev region, the Kidmi family was involved in a crucial traffic accident.

Critically injured, Keren underwent immediate resuscitation and was evacuated to Hadassah Hospital, Ein Kerem with serious head wounds, internal injuries and multiple breaks throughout her body. After three months in a medically induced coma and mechanical ventilator, Keren began complex rehabilitation at Hadassah and Tel Hashomer’s Sheba Hospital, far from her family and children. For Gaya and Adar, their mother had simply disappeared.

Today, Keren visits ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran’s outpatient rehabilitation clinic, accompanied by her mother. Three times weekly, Keren participates in motor and cognitive therapies designed to restore her to full functioning ability. Upon completion of therapy each day, Keren returns home to be with her children and family, all of whom play integral parts in her recovery process. “Keren is an inspiring patient,” say ADI, a physiotherapist at the rehabilitation village. “Today she is a full partner in bringing up her children and in the day-to-day life at home despite her motor challenges. Her motivation and her dedication to the process beget amazing results.”

Keren’s story is the story of many people forced to undergo rehabilitation far from their homes and families. The influence of rehabilitation in the patient’s natural surroundings on the entire rehabilitation process is strikingly evident.

In addition to ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran’s inpatient rehabilitation wing and unique outpatient rehabilitation center, a new rehabilitation hospital, the first of its kind in the Negev region, is presently under construction within the village. The hospital will provide professional, quality solutions specifically for people throughout southern Israel in need of rehabilitation.

We wish Major Keren Kidmi a speedy recovery. She is a true hero.

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