It’s All in the Name: Ability, Diversity, Inclusion

In a modest, corona-compliant event for staff and National Service volunteers, ADI Jerusalem (formerly ALEH) celebrated the center’s new name, emphasizing the three important attributes of Ability, Diversity and Inclusion.

As a locale ensemble stood behind a thick plastic partition, rotating capsules of staff, divided by division, made their way outside to enjoy the music, some good food and lots of Purple Tag-regulated camaraderie.

This week’s celebration provided an opportunity to take a break and relax in the fresh air after an intense and anxious year of challenges, guarding and protecting our immunocompromised residents from the threat of COVID-19 while retaining a sense of routine and an ongoing ambience of joy and positivity.

ADI Jerusalem – a new name representing longstanding values, dedication and love.


We need your support!

By donating to ADI Israel, YOU will help us meet our goal to enable each child, regardless of the severity of disability.