COVID-19 UPDATE: April 30, 2020

A Birthday Bash in Quarantine

To a child, a birthday party is everything. In addition to eating their favorite desserts, opening a mountain of presents, and playing fun games, the birthday girl or boy delights in being the center of attention, surrounded by friends and family who are there solely to shower them with love and affection. At ADI, we have always believed that everyone deserves a proper birthday celebration and routinely pull out all the stops to provide our residents with truly memorable experiences. We also realize that birthday festivities take on a new level of importance during this lengthy lockdown, as it is impossible for the residents’ family and friends to attend in person, so it is up to our ADI staff to fill the void.

And that’s just what our dedicated ADI staff did for Avigayil, a resident at our residential and rehabilitative center in Bnei Brak. After decorating Avigayil’s wheelchair with balloons and crowning her the birthday queen, they sang and danced until a smile was plastered on Avigayil’s face. The merriment was followed by interactive games and the presentation of a beautiful birthday cake.

Birthdays are a celebration of life, growth and resilience, and it is our privilege to honor our precious ADI residents on their special days and revel in their ever-enhanced abilities with each passing year. Here’s to many more happy and healthy birthdays!

Celebrating Israel, Freedom and Family

At ADI, it has become a trADItion to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day) for an entire week, and we had no intention of allowing the pandemic to derail the long-awaited festivities. Though visiting army bases and marching through the streets was out of the question this year, our dedicated staff and volunteers – who continue to set the standard for disability care in a time of crisis – developed a spectacular schedule of high-spirited activities to mark the State of Israel’s 72nd birthday.

Over the last several days, our ADI centers across the country have been celebrating by performing “daglanut” (choreographed dance routines that incorporate the Israeli flag), singing songs about unity, making art projects that highlight Israel’s natural beauty and inspiring accomplishments, and enjoying a delicious barbecue. Most importantly, they celebrated the unbreakable bonds of the ADI family and our extraordinary love for each other.

We are blessed to live in a country that prioritizes the care and advancement of its most vulnerable citizens – in bad times and good times – and we look forward to experiencing the warm embrace of this wonderful country again very soon. Here’s to celebrating with our extended ADI family in person next year! YOM HA’ATZMAUT SAMEACH!

Emergency Campaign

The needs of our ADI children cannot be put on hold.

Public support is more important than ever to guarantee that our residents receive their daily respiratory treatments, their many specialized therapies that are critical to their care and development, and the medications and formulas that are not included in Israel’s health basket. With events, visitors, and fundraising meetings on hold, these vital services are in danger.

Though our ADI residents are being distanced from the public to safeguard their health, it is essential that they never feel alone.

We need your support!

By donating to ADI Israel, YOU will help us meet our goal to enable each child, regardless of the severity of disability.