A ‘Golden’ Family Moment at ADI Jerusalem

Though our ADI centers across the country remain vigilant and continue to shield our immunocompromised residents with severe complex disabilities from COVID-19, restrictions have been loosened to allow for safe family visits. At our residential and rehabilitative center in Jerusalem, a tent was constructed in the courtyard, and families donning the requisite masks and gloves can sit in the tent for face-to-face visits with the ADI residents, who must remain at the facility’s entrance.

Tal, an orphan and one of our longest-tenured residents at ADI Jerusalem, has a magnetic personality that wins him many friends, and National Service volunteers are eager to bring him home with them for Shabbat.  Prior to the Coronavirus crisis, Tal spent many weekends with ADI volunteer Yahav Zehavi and her family.  Over the last several weeks, Yahav has been living at ADI Jerusalem, working with an elite team of volunteers to help keep Tal and the rest of the residents safe, calm and happy.  As soon as it was announced that family visits would be permitted at ADI, the Zehavi family jumped at the opportunity to see Yahav and Tal.  They consider Tal a part of their family, and they wanted him to know just how much he is loved.

That’s the magic of ADI!

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