קמפיין מרתון ירושלים של תמר אקסלרד

Message to sponsors

עדי הינה רשת מרכזים שיקומיים המעניקה לילדים ולבוגרים עם מוגבלויות רפואיות הווה ועתיד טוב ובריא יותר. עמותת עדי מצליחה ליצור דרך חדשה לשיקום, בה כל אדם זכאי להתקדם, להתפתח ולהיות מועצם

עכשיו יותר מתמיד, עמותת עדי זקוקה לעזרה שלך ע”מ להבטיח את המשך הטיפול לדיירים ולמשתקמים ולרפא חיילים ואזרחים שנפגעו במלחמת חרבות ברזל

הצטרפו אלינו לעמותת עדי כדי לאחד את ישראל
.כי רק ביחד ננצח
!עם ישראל חי

About ADI

ADI (pronounced ah-dee) is the Hebrew word for a radiant and multifaceted jewel, a name that reflects our expansive vision and broad scope of activities, including disability care, rehabilitation, research, employment, education, community services and Tikkun Olam. It also speaks to the importance and great value of our mission to care for the most precious members of our society – those who cannot care for themselves. Understanding that all individuals deserve the best available care and every possible opportunity to reach their greatest potentials, ADI provides comprehensive rehabilitative solutions for children, adolescents and adults with severe disabilities and complex medical conditions and pioneers cutting-edge therapeutic and recovery services for anyone touched by disability, all in a dignified, warm and loving atmosphere. It’s all in the name: ADI celebrates Ability at every level, promotes Diversity and insists on Inclusion.

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Top Donors
₪1,025.00 Mom and dad

So proud of you always for loving and caring about these kids. They are special and so are you.

7m month ago

$102.50 Rivky and Yossi Akselrud

In honor of Tamar, Renana(OT) Shilo(PT) and the incredible OT, PT ST and teachers at ADI!

7m month ago

$100.00 Judy Nagelblatt

Go Tamar!!!

7m month ago

6 donors

$70.00 Judy & Aharon AKSELRUD

Yasher koach,we’re so proud of you 👍🏿

6 month ago

₪110.00 תמר אקסלרד

6 month ago

$100.00 Judy Nagelblatt

Go Tamar!!!

7 month ago

$102.50 Rivky and Yossi Akselrud

In honor of Tamar, Renana(OT) Shilo(PT) and the incredible OT, PT ST and teachers at ADI!

7 month ago

₪1,025.00 Mom and dad

So proud of you always for loving and caring about these kids. They are special and so are you.

7 month ago

$50.00 Babi waldman

Wishing you hatzlocha in everything. Love you

7 month ago