Welcome Back, Charlie and Margo!

ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran enthusiastically welcomed Charlie Shor and Margo Eads on their return visit to the Negev’s innovative rehabilitation village, of which they have been long-term supporters.

Charlie and Margo toured the village’s impressive, all-accessible amphitheater and surrounding park, donated by Charlie three years ago as a gift to the residents of ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran.

The amphitheater has become an integral part of village life, hosting in-house activities, parties and fairs, as well as visiting performers and theatrical groups. The spacious, well-groomed park surrounding the amphitheater provides residents with serene paths for therapeutic horseback riding sessions.

Thank you again, Charlie and Margo. We hope to see you back again soon.

We need your support!

By donating to ADI Israel, YOU will help us meet our goal to enable each child, regardless of the severity of disability.