“To Hear About the Vision and Watch It Become a Reality”

Minister of Agriculture Avi Dicther, ADI CEO Avi Wortzman and others at ADI Negev שר החקלאות אבי דיכטר, מנכ"ל עדי אבי וורצמן ואחרים בעדי נגב

ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran welcomed MK Avi Dichter, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for a tour of the rehabilitation village and an up-close look at the center’s unique activity for the benefit of people with disabilities.

The Minister was accompanied by Avi Wortzman, village CEO, David Shaulov, Deputy Director of Regulation, and Mr. Shai Hajaj, head of the Merhavim Regional Council. Dichter was highly impressed with the village, noting the ongoing development of agricultural activity, and specifically remarking on the village’s inclusive employment program, Gardeners without Borders, in which 35 individuals with disabilities are provided with equal opportunity employment, reasonable pay and a supportive social network.

During his visit, the minister also joined youngsters in a musical activity in the village’s Special Education School and visited the Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical Center, the first rehabilitation hospital established to serve residents of the Negev and southern Israe and which eliminates the need to travel long distances to other areas of the country for first-class rehabilitative care.

“To see this place and to meet the residents, to listen to patients, to hear about the vision and see how it is turning from dream to reality fills the heart, lungs and soul with enormous energy,” commented Minister Dichter. “We should be worthy of continuing our cooperative efforts in the future, enabling more activity for you and with you.”

Avi Wortzman, village CEO: “I am very pleased with our cooperative efforts with the Ministry of Agriculture and the continued development of the unique model that integrates people with disabilities into the realm of agriculture. We are grateful to the minister, Avi Dichter, for his love, connection and sensitivity to the village. We will continue moving forward together for the sake of the continued development of the agricultural village.”

Shai Hajaj, head of the Merhavim Regional Council: “The outstanding agricultural activity at the village has proven itself. The agricultural framework we established here connects children from schools in the south to village residents and creates a relationship based on important social values. I would like to thank the minister for his outstanding cooperation.”

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