Radio Darom transmitted a special program aired from inside the Harvey and Gloria Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical center at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran on Tuesday, July 23. Israeli radio personality Yoram Suissa hosted the broadcast featuring a wide range of people representing various professions and sectors of ADI.
The highlight of the show for spectators and listeners was a live performance by well-known Israeli artists Kobi Aflalo and Benaia Barabi. For Aflalo, though, the highlight of the day was the opportunity to take part in a training session with IDF soldiers currently undergoing rehabilitation at ADI.
Our thanks to Radio Darom staff for the excellent program and to our ADI interviewees: Avi Wortzman, CEO, ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran; Dr. Itzhak Siev-Ner, director of the Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical Center; Bat-El Kortuza-Cohen, director of ADI’s resilience program for residents of southern Israel and Tikkun Olam; Adi Tayer-Yeshurun, physiotherapist and research fellow at the Lillian and David E. Feldman Research Center for Rehabilitation Sciences at ADI; Major Ohr Maatuk, wounded IDF soldier rehabilitating at ADI Negev.
When in Israel, tune in your radios to Radio Darom, 95.8 FM.