Pastor Lily and the National Prayer Network Return to ADI Negev

קבוצת מטייוון מבקר בבית חולים בעדי Group of visitors from Taiwan at the Medical Center at ADI

ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran was thrilled to once again host a delegation from the National Prayer Network of Taiwan let by Pastor Lily.

Touring the Harvey and Gloria Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical Center, members of the group were extremely impressed by the foresight of hospital planners, thanks to which an entire hospital ward was constructed as a protected area. Oren Seliger, ADI Director of Business Development, provided a detailed account of how the sheltered area was put to use following the Hamas infiltration of October 7, with patients’ beds moved into the sheltered zone and rehabilitation treatments able to continue in safety.

Dr. Shilo Kramer shared particulars related to his position as head of the hospital’s Inpatient Rehabilitation Department and emphasized the importance of having a rehabilitation hospital in the Negev. The recent situation, in which so many wounded civilians and soldiers are from the Negev, infused the guests from Taiwan’s National Prayer Network with a deeper understanding of the vital need fulfilled by the Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical Center.

Following a short tour of the center’s accessible Sports Center, the group met with an IDF soldier presently undergoing rehabilitation at the village. The soldier shared the story of his injury and related his positive rehabilitation experience at ADI, noting the caring staff, the professionalism and use of top-notch equipment which contribute to his physical rehabilitation, and the beauty and serenity of the village which facilitate his emotional and psychological rehabilitation.

Thank you, Pastor Lily and members of the National Prayer Network, for your profound support of ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran and the State of Israel. We truly appreciate your genuine friendship and encouragement.

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