Nothing Stops the Camp Spirit at ADI

No chance that ADI’s amazing staff was going to allow a small interference such as the coronavirus pandemic ruin the summer experience for ADI’s students and residents. Exploiting the ingenuity for which employees of ADI are known, plans were made and put into action in the most enjoyable, stimulating and fun-inspiring ways, bringing the adventures and excitement of the outdoors to the porches and patios of ADI.

At ADI Jerusalem, residents got a taste of farm living as bales of hay and life-like farm animals donated by Taoos Art Decoration were dispersed throughout ADI’s rooftop patio and felt what it’s like to rest outside in a tent under the shade of a palm tree. Finally, after enjoying themselves with bubble-blowing and a bubble machine, each person appreciated a turn to cool off on the water-sprouting sprinkler mattress.

Meanwhile, at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran residents experienced the sounds, sights and smells of the sea with a special activity organized by LOTEM, the Israeli organization dedicated to making nature accessible. Each resident received a tray filled with sand and sea shells and together everyone created their own personal seashore. If they couldn’t make it to the beach, the beach just had to come to the village.

All in all, it was a summer of ADI camp experiences that corresponded to the dictates of the times while adhering to the trADItion of sweeping activity and summer fun for which ADI is so well known.

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