Mini Motorized Wheelchairs Empowers ADI Toddlers

ADI’s residential facility in Jerusalem has launched a new empowerment project that provides toddlers with specially-designed motorized wheelchairs, allowing them to take control of their own mobility from the age of one year-old.ย  The small but powerful “Wizzy Bug” chairs are intended for both indoor and outdoor use and provide full support for every part of the child’s growing body.ย  The chair can be adjusted to match each child’s unique physical requirements and the steering mechanism can be adapted to his or her physical abilities as well.ย  While most models are operated with a joystick, the chair can also be operated by switches located in areas where the child has intentional involuntary movement.

The ability to move in space independently helps young children with disabilities learn about “cause and effect” and allows them to feel the result of causality.ย  Additionally, independent movement helps them develop self-confidence and encourages them to interact with their environment.ย 

We are thrilled for all of our amazing ADI kids who are now benefiting from this exciting project and moving their lives ever forward.

We need your support!

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