Management Skills: An ADI Jerusalem Child Development Center Seminar

ADI Jerusalem’s Child Development Center forefronts the scene in care of children with various disabilities (communication issues, occupational therapy needs, sensory development matters, etc.). Over the past few years, the Center has initiated educational and practical seminars for professionals and parents in a number of areas

Most recently, ADI Jerusalem’s Child Development Center hosted a management skills seminar, including a lecture by Haifa University’s Dr. Carmit Frish, occupational therapist and developer of the POET approach for counseling parents of children with management skill issues.

Management skill difficulties go hand-in-hand with ADHD and adversely affect daily routine, order and organization, and day-to-day functions such as eating, dressing, bathing, emotion regulation, and play.

Over 60 people representing various health-related professions participated in the seminar, including physical therapists, occupations therapists, communications therapists and social workers from throughout the country. The stimulating and practical seminar offered an innovative approach for working with ADHD children, and offered participants practical tools anchored in ongoing, up-to-date research for dealing with people affected by management skill adversities.

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