Learning Corona Safety Rules at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran

An exceptional exhibit in keeping with the ongoing corona-era recently went on display at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran.

Tzofia Green, principal of the village’s special education school, together with the village’s exceptional educational staff, creatively enabled students and staff to convey their feelings in an abstract and artistic methods, expressing their inner emotions through a unique exhibit under the heading “Safety”.

Each class presented a project conveying what safety means to, making exclusive use of corona-related materials.

“This amazing display triggers intellectual and emotional introspection about the current period. I’m so proud of our educational staff for all of the creativity and energy that went into this project,” comments Mrs. Green, “and for the feeling of security they impart to all of our students during this challenging time.”

ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran has instituted uncompromising efforts and energies to protect the immunocompromised village residents over the past nine-months since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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