Approximately 40 of our dedicated volunteers and loyal National Service girls decided to celebrate Lag B’Omer his year with their friends at ADI.
Due to the extremely hot weather and high wind factor, a last minute decision was made to swap the real fire for fire of another kind – the fire of love and comradery!
Everyone got together on the roof, collecting pieces of wood, prepared and placed in advance by the thoughtful National Service girls. The “bonfire” was set up, participants gathered round in a circle and beneath the pile of wood a projector was lit, giving the effect of real fire! Guitars and songs, marshmallows and potatoes – a true campfire enjoyed by all despite the weather!
As an additional special activity, each resident, together with a volunteer, prepared a unique piece of puzzle, with everyone then linking the pieces together to create one large puzzle, emphasizing the concept of mutuality and love for each other.
Another wonderful and creative evening enjoyed by all at ADI Jerusalem!