This week, we celebrated the end of the year for our beloved National Service girls at ADI Bnei Brak, a year in which the girls played a significant part in our residents’ treatment, assisted staff and provided our children with large doses of love and personal attention. The party included a tasty catered meal, followed by a group activity led by a trained facilitator. During the activity, the girls shared the experiences and challenges that they had encountered during their year of service, concluding by preparing a collage of photos of the children for whom they’d cared. The facilitator, who was aware of the strong emotions that often accompany such a process and are difficult to express, gave each of the girls an opportunity to describe her powerful experiences, the relationship that developed between her and the residents, and the difficulty in separating from them after such an incredibly intense year.
An introductory meeting has already taken place with next year’s new Bnot Sherut, at ADI Bnei Brak’s special education school. The girls met with the school principal and teachers, toured the school, observed the children, tried out the special equipment and even simulated transferring a resident in a hoist, using a stander, etc.
We would like to express our gratitude to the outgoing girls, whom we will miss very much, and extend a big WELCOME to the new girls, who will be joining us shortly.