Hebrew Language Newspaper Highlights ADI’s Translational Research Program

As the innovative Translational Research Program at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran in partnership with the health professions faculty of Ben Gurion University takes it first steps in the field of clinical rehabilitation research for people who have experienced stroke, the program is gaining attention and making news throughout Israel.

A recently published article in the Hebrew language newspaper Maariv lauds the establishment of the new program and calls attention to the pioneering work set to bring new medical advances to the field of rehabilitation through clinical research with partners in Israel and abroad.

The Translational Research Program is part of the new Neuro-Orthopedic Rehabilitation Hospital currently under construction at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran, the first rehabilitation hospital to be located in Southern Israel for the benefit of the Negev population.

Click here to access the Maariv article.

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