Auf Wiedersehen und Danke

שלומית גרייבסקי עם מתנדבים מגרמניה שמחזיקים תעודות Shlomit Grayevsky with German volunteers holding certificates

Staff and students said “auf Wiedersehen” to the six German volunteers who spent close to a year working hard and giving of themselves to enhance the lives of ADI Jerusalem residents.

Micha, Maria, Anna, Ben, Sophie and Merle spent their days helping teachers in ADI’s Special Education School, assisting young adults at work in the Vocational Workshop and showering attention and love on ADI residents throughout the day.

In an unassuming and modest ceremony at ADI Jerusalem, staff and students expressed thanks and gratitude to the volunteers for their selfless dedication. ADI Jerusalem CEO Shlomit Grayevsky presented each volunteer with a framed Certificate of Appreciation. The ceremony’s most emotional speech was given by Sara, one of the few verbal residents at ADI, who clearly and simply stated what everyone felt, “I love you!”

The group of volunteers came to ADI Jerusalem through HaGoshrim, a German Christian organization bent on building bridges of understanding and promoting reconciliation between Christians and Jews, Germans and Israelis.

Though now on their way back to Germany to move on with studies and careers, our volunteers will remain part of the ADI Jerusalem family, and we look forward to seeing them again during future trips to Israel.

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