Students at the ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran rehabilitative village were on both ends of the spectrum for Good Deeds Day.
Young children from village’s inclusive kindergarten braved the rain and made their way to the Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical Center to bring some sunshine to hospitalized rehabilitation patients. The youngsters handed patients colorful tulips and, even more important, treated them to the innocent childish smiles that warm the heart and soul.
Later in the day, older students in the ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran Special Education School were on the receiving end of Good Deeds Day when young people between the ages 16-18 from Rahat Welfare Department’s treatment center showed up at the village together with department staff, Rahat police officers and National Insurance representatives for a unique show of acrobatics and music as well as make-up stands and more.
The Rahat group is led by Ramzi, a former ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran employee who worked for over 11 years as a caregiver in village homes. After moving on to become a social worker and clinical psychologist, Ramzi now coordinates progress programs for Rahat youth, and was more than happy to return to his former place of employment and old friends for Good Deeds Day to the benefit of both performers and spectators.