All in a Day’s Work: Fun and Games at ADI Jerusalem

Mid-summer at ADI means routine schedules and regular agendas.

ADI residents require the same dedicated care during summer as they do in the winter, so ADI Jerusalem’s amazing staff keeps going.

Recognizing employees’ commitment, the ADI Jerusalem administration decided to show their appreciation by surprising employees with on-the-job, fun-filled, team-building activities. Employees split into groups, with each group taking a few hours to enjoy fun and challenging projects loaded with laughter and feelings of accomplishment. The day concluded with a sumptuous lunch served on the center’s roof overlooking the city.

“Its fun to work in a place with a mission, but the fact that work colleagues are also close and fun friends makes working at ADI ideal,” said Noa, an ADI assistant.

“It was fun to see all of my colleagues, some of whom I don’t know so well, laughing and enjoying themselves together, solving group intellectual challenges. I felt really connected and very happy,” added caregiver Lital.

An extra bonus and important aspect of the day’s activity was apparent in the overt camaraderie between all staff members, regardless of race, religion or nationality.

ADI Jerusalem once again proves to be a lighthouse for integration and acceptance of all member of society, whatever their capabilities or origins.

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