Edna Malkamo, a 45 year-old resident of Ofakim, was a beloved and indispensable member of the caretaking team at the village’s ‘Beit Hila’ residential villa. She leaves behind three children, ages 15, 14 and 11.
At 7:00 AM on Saturday morning, October 7, Edna completed her shift at ADI Negev-Nahalat Eran and began the short drive home to Ofakim. On the road, Edna was immediately targeted by Hamas terrorists. She lost control of her car and drove into a wall. It was unclear what had become of Edna following the accident, and the authorities could not provide definitive answers over the last week. Today, Edna’s body was positively identified not far from the scene of the crash.
We join Edna’s family as the mourn the loss of this loving and compassionate soul. May they know no more sadness, and may they be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.