Israel Police officers came through once again to make a child’s dream come true. This time, nine-and-a-half-year-old Tamar Farkash, a student at ADI Jerusalem’s special education school, spent the day as a rank-and-file police officer at the Lev Habira police station in Jerusalem. Tamar, who walks with the assistance of a back-walker and communicates by hand motions supplemented by a sparse, limited vocabulary, was all smiles as she donned an official police cap and shirt, resplendent with rank pins and name tag.
Thanks to the detailed work of NCO Ravia Dahar of Mamila station and the approbation of station commander Shlomi Tobol, Tamar, her mother and National Service volunteer rode to the Lev Habira station in an adapted police van where they enjoyed a full day of activity. Tamar toured the police facility and met with department officials who explained each area of the station in terms appropriate to Tamar’s level of understanding. At the end of the day, based on her personal training in each area of police activity, Tamar was presented with a special pin, “promoting” her to Chief Superintendent.
The amazing day was beneficial not only to Tamar. Officers who organized and took part in Tamar’s tour professed that it is just such occasions that imbue them with the extra energy that enables them to continue routine activity.
We are so grateful to the Israeli Police and officers at the Lev Habira station for making Tamar’s dream come true, as well as for their outstanding service in all areas, at all times.